NY Festivals, Spikes, Webbys, W3, AWARD

Here's a selection of more integrated campaigns, the first two won at Cannes, some of the others at local shows. Donation Icons is a piece of tech that allows people to raise money for Oxfam by turning your desktop icons into ad space. Because I love ads. It won a bunch of shameful bronzes and finalists at Cannes. 

How do you find engineers for the Navy? Send them an ad and make them take it apart and turn it into a remote control ship. 

Navy Buildboards. Geddit? You can thank Evan Roberts at Clems for that pun. 

It was awarded at AWARD, Locus, ADMA, The Work and scraped a shortlist at Cannes.

In 2019, Absolut celebrated their history of iconic posters with a music video paying homage to best of them. 

Secretly hidden within the film were 100 Easter eggs, famous Absolut posters, waiting for fans with an eye for art to discover and trigger a global search. 

An ad for Absolut nerds, made by an absolute nerd (that's me).

By customising Google Maps, we created a game of Battleship across the entire world, teaching gamers the skills for the job as they played. 

When the top gamers reached the final level, we invited them to become analysts for the Navy. 

It won some silvers at the New York Festivals, Spikes and w3 awards. 

Even emails can be interesting. 

The 200m eDM measures in at 40,000 pixels and hides the content where the submarine would be, 180 metres below sea level.

It won a silver at AWARD, was featured in The Work and was a finalist at the Webbys. 

Since December 2013, whenever a celebrity tweets the 'r-word' (retard), our twitter bot automatically replies to them with tickets to a special Olympics event. 

Instead of chastising celebrities for using this word, we are inviting them to learn why it was wrong.

To find army clerks with the utmost attention to detail, we hid a job ad where only the most detailed obsessed would look - in the T&Cs of other Defence Force ads. 

It's advertising squared. Told you I love ads. It featured in Campaign's The Work, but it deserved a little more than that.


What’s with the name?
Once upon a time, my three year old brother arranged a random series of letters together to name a toy train ‘Psembi’. Months later, whilst sitting on the backseat of a station wagon as my hippy mum gave birth to me, my brother pointed to the newborn and said one word. Psembi.  
Who is he?
Psembi is the son of a crocodile farmer from Broome, Western Australia. He was the youngest Creative Director in the history of BBH London and ran Audi, BBH’s foundation account. He’s now the Group ECD at DDB Melbourne. His creative awards include a BAFTA amongst 200 others.